Spring Forward To Get Your Feet Ready For Summer

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With Daylight Savings Time already here, summer is not far behind.  With the nicer weather coming, it’s the perfect time to display your new warm weather footwear and allow your feet to finally breathe again. But because the warmer weather can be tough on your feet, you need to pamper them with some extra TLC, so they’ll look and feel healthy.  Today, Dr. William Buffone of North Fork Podiatry/Three Village Podiatry is sharing a few tips for keeping your feet in tip-top shape during the months ahead.

Keep your feet clean. The best line of defense against bacterial or fungal infections is good hygiene and regular examination of the toes and feet.  Wash feet daily with soap and water and dry them thoroughly to avoid infection.

Always wear shower shoes in public places like locker rooms and pools to prevent infections such as athlete’s feet. To avoid toenail fungus and ingrown toenails, keep toenails cut straight across. Don’t leave nail polish on all summer long without a break - remove it once in a while to allow your nail bed to breathe.

Don’t walk barefoot. Walking outside in the summer without wearing shoes elevates the risk of infection and injury.

Guard your feet from the sun. Wearing sunscreen is important in the summertime and that means applying it to the exposed skin on your ankles and feet, too. Melanoma can develop anywhere on the body and approximately 30% of all incidences happen on the lower limbs.

Keep your feet free from fungus. Together with proper foot hygiene, you can also prevent toenail fungus by switching out your shoes. 

Prevent painful blisters. Flip-flops and sandals can cause annoying blisters when they rub up against bare skin. Use bandages or padding to reduce friction.

Follow these easy steps during the warmer spring and summer months so your feet will look and feel their very best. Inspect your feet daily, and if you encounter any unusual issues or experience pain, contact Dr. William Buffone and his team at North Fork Podiatry/Three Village Podiatry.

You can reach Three Village Podiatry (East Setauket) at (631) 474-3338, North Fork Podiatry (Southold) at (631) 765-6777 or North Fork Podiatry (Riverhead) at (631) 419-7107 today or schedule your appointment online.