If You Have Diabetes, Foot Care Treatments Are Crucial to Your Long-Term Health


According to the American Diabetes Association, 24 million Americans have diabetes, which is the leading cause of amputation of feet, toes and legs. As scary as that sounds, there’s reason to hope. With proper attention, you can live a healthy, active life. Today, Dr. William Buffone of North Fork Podiatry/Three Village Podiatry is sharing information so you can avoid amputation.

Top Risks for Diabetic Feet

As a patient with diabetes, your feet are faced with unique risks. Thoroughly understanding these risks is the best way to help avoid the common foot problems that are associated with this disease. It’s also the best method to avoid serious and life-altering consequences of diabetes.

Here are some of the most common foot health threats that those with diabetes have to contend with:

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD): Many people with diabetes experience peripheral arterial disease, which reduces circulation and blood flow. As a result, the condition limits the volume of blood flow that reaches your feet, causing serious side effects including neuropathy and infections.

Infections: Any injury, small or large, can result in a serious infection. Cuts, blisters and scratches pose more risk for patients with diabetes when the flow of blood to the feet is restricted. Because of that, cuts don’t heal properly and the risk of foot ulcers and infection is elevated. Examining your feet daily for signs of cuts or redness to the skin or other types of issues is the best way to avoid infection.

Neuropathy: If you experience a burning sensation, tingling or numbness in your feet, you might have neuropathy. It occurs when nerves fail to function properly and is particularly dangerous because diabetic patients might be at an elevated risk of infection.

Tips for Daily Care of Your Diabetic Foot

With daily care, you can reduce your risk of an infection or foot ulcer. Following are some daily tips to help keep your feet healthy.

  • Inspect your feet daily for cuts, sores, or red spots.

  • Keep your feet dry and clean at all times, paying special attention to the spaces between your toes.

  • Keep your feet warm by wearing socks around the house.

  • Exercise – it’s the best way to encourage blood flow to your feet.

  • Cut your toenails straight across.

  • Boost blood circulation by dropping unhealthful habits such as smoking.

If you notice any changes in your feet – no matter how small – call the office of Dr. William Buffone of North Fork Podiatry/Three Village Podiatry to schedule a consultation. You can reach Three Village Podiatry at (631) 474-3338, North Fork Podiatry (Southold) at (631) 765-6777 or North Fork Podiatry (Riverhead) at (631) 419-7107 today or schedule your appointment online.

The sooner you are seen by a podiatrist, the higher your chances of evading a serious foot problem.