Orthotics Are Not Just for the Elderly


Many people think that orthotics are just for older individuals, but they’re also for children and young adults, recreational runners and professional athletes, and volunteers and workers. Today Dr. William Buffone of North Fork Podiatry/Three Village Podiatry is sharing important information regarding this versatile treatment option.

Orthotics help people from all walks of life reduce their risk of injury, improve their biomechanics, eliminate their pain, and live life to the absolute fullest. They’re for all ages and, if you’re currently suffering from foot pain, there’s a good chance they can help you too.

Give Your Feet What They’ve Been Lacking

We see many different issues that can be treated or managed using orthotics, just some of which include:

  • Chronic heel pain;

  • Gait irregularities;

  • Flat feet;

  • Arthritis;

  • Neuromas;

  • Sports injuries;

  • Wounds.

In simple terms, what orthotics do is give your feet the additional arch support, stability/motion control, and shock absorption that they’ve been missing.

Many think that orthotics are simply cushioned pads similar to those they can purchase at the drugstore. But the orthotics that are prescribed by your podiatrist are capable of much more.

Orthotics fit a wide variety of foot shapes and are constructed of different types of materials from soft foam to plastic.

When Does a Child Need Orthotics?

An older adult might be more likely to need orthotics when the wear and tear of their years have added to an acquired deformity such as a bunion or hammertoe or chronic pain.

On the other hand, children are usually too young to develop that kind of damage.

When orthotics are prescribed for children, the most common reason is a hereditary structural problem, with flat feet being the most likely culprit.

Some children never develop a full arch, and as they further develop their running and walking skills, the lack of support can lead to pain in their ankles, feet, hips, knees, and even lower back.

If you or your children are experiencing any issues with your feet and want to know if orthotics can help, contact the office of Dr. William Buffone of North Fork Podiatry/Three Village Podiatry today at (425) 455-0936 to schedule a consultation.

You can reach Three Village Podiatry at (631) 474-3338, North Fork Podiatry (Southold) at (631) 765-6777 or North Fork Podiatry (Riverhead) at (631) 419-7107 or schedule your appointment online.