Common Changes You Can Expect in Your Aging Feet


We get older and our bodies get older. And there’s nothing we can do about it but accept it and educate ourselves about the changes that are happening in our bodies, including our feet. And because September is Healthy Aging Month, today Dr. William Buffone of North Fork Podiatry/Three Village Podiatry is sharing information regarding the most common changes you can expect.

Here are six common changes in our feet that often take place as we age. 

1. Changes in the toenail: Age can make toenails become thickened, misaligned, and discolored. If it seems to happen suddenly, you should have your podiatrist take a look at it. But the main reason for toenail changes like these is typically age-related in most cases.

2. Position of the toe: Toes may tighten and point upward or turn to the right or left. As we get older, our functional abilities and gait pattern change, causing our toes to change to help compensate. If you notice discomfort or calluses and corns beginning to develop, you may want to add some padding to your shoes and wear shoes with a wider toe box.

3. Changes to the skin. As we age, the skin on our feet will become drier and get more wrinkled due to a dwindling supply of collagen. A good way to prevent cracked heels is to use a moisturizing foot cream and stay hydrated.

4. Increased size. Our feet can get wider and longer as we age. It’s normal for some to experience a lower arch with time due to weakened ligaments or tendons and gravity. This causes a widening and lengthening of the foot.

5. Arthritis and stiffness. As our body ages, we naturally lose flexibility resulting in stiffness in the joints of both the ankle and the foot. Arthritis most often affects the midfoot joints on the top of your foot or the big toe. Orthotics, exercises, yoga, and stretching classes can all help fight stiff joints.

6. Lack of stability and strength. Ligaments, muscles, and tendons can weaken over time which will diminish the state of the arch. Supportive shoes and arch supports can help. Balance and strength classes can also provide stability in the body all the way down to our ankles and feet.

Now that you know more about what happens to your feet as you age, prepare yourself. Call the office of Dr. William Buffone of North Fork Podiatry/Three Village Podiatry today at (631) 474-3338 to schedule a consultation so we can work together to help your feet age gracefully.

You can reach Three Village Podiatry at (631) 474-3338, North Fork Podiatry (Southold) at (631) 765-6777 or North Fork Podiatry (Riverhead) at (631) 419-7107 or schedule your appointment online.